
Our Story

Founded in 1977 by a small group of early Lake Norman dwellers, Lake Norman Lutheran Chapel services were initially held in a local real estate office. 

On December 10, 1978, the charter was signed for Lake Norman Lutheran Chapel. Ground was broken in November of 1979 and the first worship service was held in the new church building on February 17, 1980. Lake Norman Lutheran Chapel was officially received into the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod at the Southeastern District Convention on May 20, 1980. By the end of 1995, additional square footage was added to the church, the facade was bricked, and a steeple was added.

In June of 1999, the name was changed to Lake Norman Lutheran Church. On March 3, 2002, ground was broken and construction began on a new fellowship hall and classrooms. On December 22, 2002, the new classrooms and fellowship hall were used for the first time. Truly, the Lord is good.
